
Thinking at Twilight 10th April 2014

Dr Robin Hesketh from the University of Cambridge Department of Biochemistry presented a brilliant talk on 'Demystifying Cancer'. We started by learning that cancer is essentially cells behaving badly and by the end of the talk Dr Hesketh was explaining ground breaking research.

Thinking at Twilight, 6 March 2014

Our First Thinking of Twilight for 2014 welcomed guest speaker, Dr Tony White, a Clare College alumnus and longterm supporter of CamSoc NSW and author of Starlight. Tony gave a great incite on his time as an Australian Army Doctor in Vietnam, full of maps and photos to paint a complete picture of what it was like to serve as a young doctor fresh from medical studies with virtually no military training.

Christmas Drinks & Thinking at Twilight - 12 December 2013

Over 40 people heard Dr David Rayner Hunkin Jones MA, PhD President of Christ’s College, Cambridge give a very entertaining talk about the eccentrics and outliers of Cambridge. Naturally part of his talk was about the Masters of Christ’s including Baron Todd of Trumpington winner of the 1957 Nobel Prize for Chemistry and his successor Sir John Plumb, the first of the ‘popular’ historians to emanate from Cambridge. It turns out they absolutely detested each other and C. P Snow used them as models in his famous 1959 “Two Cultures” lecture. On the handover day, Todd’s wife, Alison was in the college gardens, pitchfork in hand, filling up the wheelbarrow with plants she had carefully planted and nurtured, saying to the staff she was dammed if any of her plants were going to stay in the care of Plumb’s wife. Thanks to Rhiannon Chisholm, Camsoc NSW Committe Member and daughter of Dr Jones for organising this evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by all those present.

Cambridge vs Oxford Cricket Match, Sunday 24th November 2013

Sadly this was cancelled this year due to the wet ground.

Golf vs Oxford, Monday 14th October 2013

Chris Golis writes the results of the 5th Annual Golf Match vs Oxford, at Manly Golf Club were are follows: Daryl Dixon opened for the team and won his match 3&2. James Balfour and Chris Golis went next and both won their matches 4&3. Finally Oxford decided that a 5-0 white wash would be too humiliating and both Peter Buchen and Walter Fletcher halved their matches on the 18th. The net result was a victory to Cambridge 4-1! We then repaired to the Buena Vista.